5 Best Lower Chest Exercises (Coming From a Trainer)

Isaac Robertson
Published by Isaac Robertson | Co-Founder & Chief Editor
Last updated: December 28, 2023
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As a fitness trainer with years of experience, I've seen firsthand how crucial lower chest development is for a well-rounded physique.

Many of my clients initially overlook this area, focusing more on the upper chest. However, the lower chest is key for achieving that full, sculpted look.

In my journey, I've dedicated countless hours to researching and testing various exercises that specifically target the lower chest.

The result?

A selection of the best lower chest exercises that I'm excited to share with you.

Let's dive right in.

  • Dips, decline dumbbell fly, decline dumbbell presses, decline bench presses, and high cable crossovers are some of the best lower chest exercises.
  • Some benefits of lower chest workouts include a more balanced physique, stronger pushing power, and better athletic performance.
  • According to a study from the European Journal of Sports Science, decline-angled chest exercises target your lower chest muscles.
  • We recommend training your chest muscles to prepare you for a variety of activities, either in sports or in everyday life.

Best Lower Chest Exercises

Before we dive into the best lower chest exercises, let me explain the importance of training this muscle group and how it's trained.

Why Should You Train Your Lower Chest?

You should train your lower chest to achieve a balanced and symmetrical upper body, as it complements the development of the upper chest and other muscle groups. Focusing on the lower chest enhances overall chest aesthetics, contributing to a more defined and sculpted appearance.

How Can You Target the Lower Chest?

You can target the lower chest by doing decline-angle chest exercises like the decline bench press and decline dumbbell fly. According to a study from the European Journal of Sports Science, decline-angled chest exercises target your lower chest muscles [1].

Also, doing dips with a slight forward lean can help target your lower pecs.

Top 5 Lower Chest Exercises

Now that we have a good understanding of how to train the lower chest, let's look at the top five exercises to train this muscle group.

1. Dips


The chest dip isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a functional movement that has significantly improved my strength for various athletic activities.

From my own experience, when I lean forward during dips, it effectively targets my lower pecs, enhancing their definition and contributing to a sharp-cut look.

I've also noticed that chest dips engage the outer chest, making it appear broader and more pronounced.

Here's how to do this exercise with good form:

  1. Grip the dip bars and hold yourself up, arms straight but not locked out, and feet above the ground.
  2. To engage your lower chest, lean forward at a 45-degree angle while performing the movement.
  3. Lower your body by bending the elbows, stopping at a 90-degree angle. Engage your core.
  4. Return to the starting position to complete one rep.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

2. Decline Dumbbell Fly

Man doing a decline dumbbell fly

In my training routine, performing dumbbell flyes on a decline bench has been a game-changer for targeting my lower chest while also engaging my upper back and triceps.

This exercise has not only added definition and tone to my muscles but has also noticeably opened up my chest muscles, enhancing my range of motion significantly.

Here's how you do this exercise with good form:

  1. Lie back on the decline bench with dumbbells in each hand. Lift your arms right above your chest with a slight bend in the elbows.
  2. Open your arms while keeping the elbows slightly bent and slowly lower them to the sides until they’re the same level as your shoulders. Pause and feel the deep stretch in your chest.
  3. Lift the dumbbells back up to your starting position.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

3. Decline Dumbbell Press

Decline Dumbbell Bench Press

I've found the decline dumbbell press to be uniquely effective for isolating the lower chest. This angle adds a challenging twist to the standard press, intensifying the workout for the lower pectorals.

Here's how you do the decline dumbbell press:

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip and shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lie back on a decline bench and extend your arms right above you.
  3. Slowly lower the weights until they reach the chest. Lift the weights back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

4. Decline Bench Press

Man doing a decline barbell bench press

The decline bench press is often more effective than its flat and incline counterparts in targeting the lower region of the pectoralis major.

A study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found high electromyographical activity in the lower chest (compared to the upper chest) during the decline press [2].

“A mixture of decline, incline, and flat bench presses will ensure you target your chest from top to bottom.”

- Robert Stevenson, Personal Trainer & T1 Fitness Owner

To do the decline bench press:

  1. Secure your feet firmly under the pads. Lie back on the bench and position your eyes under the bar.
  2. With your palms facing forward, grab the bar and arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Slowly unrack the bar and lift it over your chest.
  4. Inhale as you bring the bar down until it nearly touches the lower part of your chest.
  5. Exhale as you lift the bar back to its starting position
  6. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

Note: I suggest having a spotter or a Smith machine for safety.

5. High Cable Crossover

cable crossover

Doing the cable crossover in the highest position is another great way to define your lower pecs.

It stretches the pecs all the way from the starting position, squeezing the outer chest muscles.

Here's how you do the high cable crossover:

  1. Attach each grip handle at about chest height. Grab the handles and stand between the cable machine, with one foot forward and the other behind.
  2. Contract your chest while pulling the handles down in front of your body.
  3. Return your arms up to the starting position to complete one rep.

Benefits of Training Your Lower Chest Muscles

men showing off their body muscles and abs

Lower chest exercises go beyond improving aesthetics.

Here are three practical benefits of targeting your lower pectoral muscles.

1. Reduced Muscle Imbalances

Focusing on the lower chest helps prevent muscle imbalances between the upper and lower chest, promoting a more balanced physique and strength.

2. Better Pushing Strength

Strengthening the lower chest improves your ability to perform pushing movements, essential in many sports and physical activities.

3. Improved Athletic Performance

Training your chest muscles prepares you for a variety of activities, either in sports or in everyday life.

Sports like baseball, football, swimming, or rowing require a strong chest and muscle endurance because athletes need to perform pushing or throwing motions repetitively over a long period.

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How Can I Work My Lower Chest at Home?

You can work you lower chest at home by doing exercises like bar dips, incline push-ups, pseudo push-ups, and single bar dips.

How Many Lower Chest Muscles Exercises Should I Do?

Aim to do at least 2–4 different lower chest workouts per session and limit the weekly training volume to 12–16 quality repetitions.


  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17461391.2015.1022605
  2. https://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/abstract/1997/08000/electromyographical_activity_of_the_pectoralis.6.aspx
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About The Author

Isaac Robertson
Co-Founder & Chief Editor
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James Cunningham, BSc, CPT
Staff Writer & Senior Coach
James Cunningham, BSc, CPT holds a BSc degree in Sport & Exercise Science from University of Hertfordshire. He's a Health & Performance Coach from London that brings a unique blend of academic knowledge of health supplements and practical exercise experience to the table for his readers.
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Dr. Harshi Dhingra, MBBS, MD is a published peer-reviewed author and renowned physician from India with over a decade of experience. With her MBBS from Bharati Vidyapeeth and an MD from Rajiv Gandhi University, she actively ensures the accuracy of online dietary supplement and medical information by reviewing and fact-checking health publications.
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