26 Hottest Male Bodybuilders (2025 Physique Showcase)

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT
Published by Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT | Staff Writer
Last updated: March 16, 2025
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In a world where physical prowess meets aesthetic beauty, the elite male bodybuilders set the gold standard.

What makes these champions of muscle and symmetry truly exceptional?

The Total Shape team of fitness experts frequently finds itself in heated debates over who truly represents the pinnacle of strength and aesthetics. Since no single name stood out, we turned to our readers and fitness community for their input.

Discover their journey through strength and form, revealing the hidden secrets behind their remarkable success.

The Hottest Male Fitness Models And Bodybuilders

The Total Shape team has analyzed the top 26 fitness models and bodybuilders, focusing on muscle definition, competition wins, and aesthetic appeal. These athletes have dominated competitions such as Mr. Olympia, Model Muscle Mania, and Champion Men’s Physique, earning recognition for their dedication to fitness and physique development.

26. Chris Bumstead

Christopher Adam Bumstead, affectionately known as CBum, is not only a Canadian IFBB professional bodybuilder but also a symbol of strength and aesthetics.

His reign as the Mr. Olympia Classic Physique winner for four consecutive years showcases a physique that is both powerful and visually stunning.


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He is a testament to the rich history of bodybuilding.

His dedication to the sport, combined with a deep understanding of the science behind muscle growth, has made him a standout figure in the modern era of bodybuilding.

25. Alex Leonidas

Alex Leonidas, the charismatic mind behind the AlphaDestiny YouTube channel, has not only gained popularity for transforming the lives of natural lifters but has also captured attention with his undeniable good looks.

With over 330,000 subscribers and +80 million views, his channel showcases not only his expertise but also his chiseled physique and engaging presence.

24. Pietro Boselli

We got a lot of responses from readers about this Italian stallion.

Pietro Boselli's athletic career took off after he started working out more as a college lecturer in mathematics.


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It's a testament to what passion can achieve.

23. Calum Von Moger

Calum is an Australian competitive bodybuilder whose career was interrupted several times due to injuries.

He seems to be back in form now, with possibly the most ripped physique in Australia and a body that doesn't have an ounce of excess fat.


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Calum's impressive physique has earned him a massive following on social media platforms. His digital presence showcases the role of social media in modern bodybuilding, allowing athletes to connect with fans and share their journey in real-time.

22. David Laid

David Laid's story hits close to home. Starting out skinny and then transforming into a bodybuilding sensation is no small feat.

His journey reminds me of the early days of my own bodybuilding adventure, where every gain felt like a major victory.


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It took a few years to see significant results, but David is now a well-known athlete and fashion model.

21. Ryan Terry

Ryan Terry's accidental entry into bodybuilding is something I often chuckle about with my male gym buddies.


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Apparently, he was working as a plumber, and a friend entered him in a local modeling contest. He won that, and it set the stage for working on his physique on a full-time basis.

20. Ben Booker

Ben is another bodybuilder with an amazing story. He went from struggling with an alcohol addiction to being featured in countless magazines.


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His impressive transformation also comes with one of the world's biggest and most genuine smiles.

19. Pham Woodbridge

The main attraction with Pham is that he has some amazing tattoos that complement his ripped physique.


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As a result, he has one of the most recognizable bodies in the world.

18. Daniel Blackwell

Our readers must have something for British fitness models, and looking at Daniel's physique reveals how much effort he puts into his body.


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What's inspirational about him is that when an injury put an end to his soccer career, he immediately got started on reinventing himself as one of the world's top fitness influencers.

17. Michael Thurston

Michael is from Leeds in the UK, and he has spoken a few times about how out of shape he was in his teens and early twenties.


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He was a bit of a party guy, but once he started working at the gym and seeing the results it brought, it all resulted in him making quite a name for himself.

16. Cory Gregory

Cory has dedicated his career to bodybuilding and powerlifting, and his success has landed him on over a dozen covers of fitness magazines.


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Believe it or not, Corey started his adult life as a coal miner before jumping into a completely different industry.

15. Matus Valen

I was one of the few on our team who had heard of Matus from Slovakia, and he has one of the most carefully sculpted bodies I've seen.


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He doesn't take muscle-building to the extreme, but his body still shows off every single muscle.

14. Sergi Constance

Sergi is probably Spain's most successful and well-known bodybuilder, with a passion for working in the gym that you can see in every photo.

Hailing from Spain, Sergi Constance embodies the global and diverse nature of bodybuilding. His success on the international stage highlights the sport's inclusivity, proving that dedication and hard work know no boundaries.


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Every single muscle is perfectly sculpted, and he helps millions of social media followers with training and dieting tips.

13. Kris Gethin

Kris should serve as an inspiration to anyone trying to get fit and build muscle. He has spoken a few times about a bad motocross accident.

Despite those injuries, he went on to become a successful bodybuilder with an imposing physique that is held up as an example of excellence.

12. Joey Swoll

Joey is a fitness model who seems to have some of the most favorable genetics of them all.

He didn't start lifting weights until he went to college, and it took him a few years to take bodybuilding seriously and bulk up that muscle mass.


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But he now has a powerful appearance that he's more than willing to show off on social media.

11. Simeon Panda

We're staying in Europe, and this time it's back to the UK for one of the country's most successful bodybuilders and entrepreneurs. He got his Musclemania Pro card at a young age and has competed as a natural bodybuilder his entire career.


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And that exceptionally fit body has ranked him among the world's top ten fitness influencers.

10. Lazar Angelov

Rounding out the top ten is Lazar from Bulgaria, with possibly the world's most well-defined eight-pack abs.

He has also written several books and put a lot of hard work into an online course that teaches healthy living.

9. James Ellis

James is not just an accomplished bodybuilder but also a fitness model champion and a motivational speaker.

It's that outgoing personality with a great smile and rock-solid body through years of training that makes him such a personality in the fitness world.

8. Marc Fitt

What a great name for a bodybuilding model, and this Canadian hunk has also achieved success through multiple lines of business.

He's a motivational speaker and runs his own apparel company that has a strong passion for charitable connections as well.


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Is there anything to dislike about this man?

7. Jaco De Bruyn

Jaco is a bodybuilder and fitness model from South Africa, and he has quite an imposing presence.

With some of the broadest shoulders and biggest biceps, he's no stranger to magazine covers around the world.


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And from the comments we received, it's those deep eyes that make him stand out from the rest.

6. Ulisses Jr.

Ulisses Jr. is a New York native and is a very outspoken natural bodybuilder.

It took him many years to get to his current physique, and that effort has landed him on the covers of many fitness magazines.


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And you just need to look at the number of comments and likes on his social media posts to see what people think of him.

5. Roger Snipes

Roger is a highly successful fitness model from the UK, and he has built up a fanbase of almost 1 million followers on Instagram.

When it comes to bodybuilding, he has been crowned Mr. UK, and he has maintained his competitive weight and bulk for his fitness modeling work.

4. Mike O'Hearn

Mike O'Hearn is probably one of the best-known names in the fitness industry, and he's appeared on countless magazine covers.


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He started in competitive powerlifting, where he had almost instant success. These days, Mike O'Hearn is a business owner and works as an online personal trainer.

3. Logan Franklin

Logan is one of those male fitness models who aims for a bit more of a bad-boy look.

His transition from a U.S. Army combat veteran to a top bodybuilder showcases the intricate balance between mental and physical health. His story serves as a reminder of the challenges athletes face and the resilience required to overcome them.


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These days, he spends most of his time as a personal trainer and managing his social media presence.

"I'm so honored that I can inspire people all over the world to better their lives and help them achieve their goal physique."

- Logan Franklin

2. Steve Cook

Steve Cook is another well-known fitness model, and he has always aimed for a clean-cut look.


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I've heard him speak many times about his dedication to healthy living and self-improvement, and what people like about him is that he hasn't taken bulking to an extreme.

1. Jeff Seid

The overwhelming number of votes from readers went to Jeff Seid, who's probably the most recognizable American bodybuilder and fitness model.


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With a shirt on, he has that boyish look, but when you see photos of him at the gym, you'll see why he's one of the top stars in the fitness industry.

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About The Author

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT
Staff Writer
Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT holds a BSc degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and is the owner of Taylor Made Fitness. Her philosophy centers on cutting through the hype and misinformation surrounding dietary supplements, focusing instead on practical, science-backed strategies for health and weight loss.
Learn more about our editorial policy

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