Stephen Lang Workout and Diet Plan (Updated 2025)

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT
Published by James Cunningham, BSc, CPT | Staff Writer & Senior Coach
Last updated: February 20, 2025
FACT CHECKED by Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC
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Stephen Lang is a rare award-winning actor who consistently stays in top physical shape throughout the year without excuses.

He eats consciously, regularly performs Bikram yoga and weight training, and takes additional supplements, which enable him to prevent muscle loss due to his age.

As a certified personal trainer, it took me over 25 hours to thoroughly research and compile all the necessary information regarding Stephen Lang’s workout and diet routine.

After reading this article, you will know his workout routine, why he prefers to eat consciously, his diet, and supplements that help him prevent muscle loss and help burn calories.

Quick Summary

  • Stephen prefers to weight train at least 4 times a week and performs at least one cardio and Bikram yoga session to stay in tremendous shape throughout the year.
  • To support his daily physical training, Stephen follows a nutrient-rich diet with an adequate ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients.
  • Stephen Lang’s supplements, such as vitamins and protein powders, help him recover and revitalize faster after intense cardio and weight training sessions.
  • Stephen incorporates high-rep, low-weight training principles and progressive overload to maintain muscle and avoid age-related muscle loss.

Stephen Lang Celebrity Stats/Career Highlights

  • Age: 70 years
  • Height: 1.79 m
  • Weight: 182 pounds
  • Waist: 32 inches
  • Chest: 42 inches

Stephen Lang’s Workout Routine

Stephen Lang doing his workout routine

Below you can find Stephen Lang’s workout routine.

"One of the most damaging misconceptions surrounding the world of fitness is that lifting weights is simply an exercise in vanity. But an essential lesson to internalize — for both experienced athletes and enthusiastic beginners — is that looking nice is just a side effect of the process."

- Nick English, Certified Personal Trainer


On Monday, Stephen prefers to perform all pushing and upper body adduction variations to target his chest and tricep muscles.

Here is the entire chest workout below:

  • Pec deck chest fly - perform for 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Flat bench press - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Incline bench press - perform for 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Decline bench press - complete 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Incline push-up - perform 2 sets of 10 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Chest dips - complete 2 sets of 10 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Cooldown - perform a chest stretch for 1 minute.
  • Lying pectoral stretch - complete the exercise for 1 minute.

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A man doing barbell squats

On Tuesday, Stephen primarily targets his leg muscles through dynamic and semi-cardio exercises.

Here is the entire workout below:

  • Side lunge stretch - perform for 30 seconds on each side.
  • Jumping jacks - complete for 30 seconds and rest as little as possible before the next exercise.
  • Unweighted squat - perform 3 sets of 15 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Barbell front squat - complete 3 sets of 10 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Dumbbell split squat - perform 3 sets for 10 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Romanian deadlift - complete 3 sets of 10 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Swiss ball leg curl - perform 3 sets of 10 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Bodyweight calf raise - complete 3 sets of 15 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Cooldown - perform a hamstring stretch for one minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Quad stretch - complete for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Calf stretch - perform for 1 minute.


For Stephen, who particularly enjoys Bikram yoga, Wednesday is all about the body and mind.

Here is the entire yoga workout below:

  • Standing deep breathing - perform for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Half-moon pose - complete for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Awkward pose - perform for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Eagle pose - complete for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Standing head-to-knee pose - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Standing separate leg head-to-knee pose - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Tree pose - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Triangle pose - complete for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Savasana - perform for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Sit-up - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Cobra - perform 30 seconds per minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Bow pose - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Half tortoise - perform for 30 seconds per minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Child's pose - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Mountain pose namaste - perform for 1 minute.


A guy doing dumbbell curls

On Thursday, Stephen performs arms and shoulders exercises.

Below is the entire workout:

  • Straight arm circles - perform for 20 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Cross-body shoulder swings - complete for 20 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Barbell overhead press - perform 3 sets of 12 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Concentration curls - complete 3 sets of 15 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Hammer curls - perform 3 sets of 15 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Reverse curls - complete 3 sets of 15 reps and rest for 90 seconds between the sets.
  • Dumbbell shoulder press - perform 3 sets of 10 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Foam roller double arm lift - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Lunge with overhead reach - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Prayer stretch - complete for 30 seconds.


On Friday, Stephen prefers cardio workouts.

Here is the entire workout:

  • Single leg stand - perform for 30 seconds on each side and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Jumping jacks - complete for 30 seconds on each side and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Jogging warm-up - perform for 5 minutes and proceed to the main workout part.
  • Squat jumps - complete 2 sets of 12 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Squat to front kick - perform 2 sets of 20 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Standing oblique crunch - complete 2 sets of 20 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Box jumps - perform 2 sets of 10 reps and rest for 60 seconds between the sets.
  • Screamer lunges - complete 2 sets of 20 reps and rest for as little as possible between the sets.
  • Mountain climbers - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Burpees - complete for 1 minute and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Russian twist - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Inchworms - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Plank - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the next exercise.
  • Lunge with a spinal twist - complete for 30 seconds.


A guy doing a yoga pose

On Saturday, Stephen again performs another yoga session.

Here is the entire yoga workout:

  • Standing deep breathing - perform 1 minute and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Palm tree pose - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Chair pose flow - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Standing bow-pulling pose - complete for 1 minute and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Balancing stick pose - perform for 1 minute and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Toe stand - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Standing separate leg stretching pose - perform 1 minute and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Savasana - complete for 1 minute and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Sit-up - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Locust - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Camel pose - perform for 30 seconds and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Fixed firm pose - complete for 30 seconds and proceed to the following exercise.
  • Mountain pose namaste - perform for 1 minute and proceed to the following exercise.


On Sunday, Stephen takes a day off and fully allows his body to recover for the upcoming intense week.

Workout Principles

A man holding a dumbbell for his workout

The main workout principles Stephen Lang follows to avoid muscle loss and still manage to build muscle is high reps/low weight.

Although this isn’t the best for muscle-building purposes, you can still build decent muscle by incorporating this type of weight-training workout regularly throughout the week.

Since he prefers to incorporate the low-resistance lifting method, the only other way to increase the intensity or overall difficulty of the exercise is to either change it for something more complex or increase the reps and sets.

This is also called the principle of progressive overload, which means increasing the difficulty of each following workout [1].

Progressive overload nicely ties in with muscle hypertrophy training, and combined two are the best for simultaneously increasing muscle mass and strength [2].

However, the trick lies in having enough rest and recovery time between workouts targeting the same muscle groups to better prepare and allow for sufficient recovery to ramp up the intensity again.

Suppose you manage to recover after an intense workout session.

In that case, the effects of glycogen supercompensation will take place, and you will be able to outperform your last workout results since you will have more energy stored in your muscles [3].

Stephen Lang’s Diet Plan

Here is the entire Stephen Lang's diet:

  • Breakfast - old-fashioned oats and orange juice
  • Snack - yogurt with fruit
  • Lunch - grilled chicken salad
  • Snack - protein shake
  • Dinner - lean ground beef and fresh veggies


A man preparing a protein drink

Stephen doesn’t take a handful of supplements to build a muscular physique and maintain incredible shape.

However, the two essential supplements he takes are:

  • Vitamins
  • Protein powder

From these two, the second one (protein powder) is crucial for maintaining desirable muscle size and functionality since it will support anabolic and prevent catabolic metabolism [4].


Did Stephen Lang Workout for Avatar?

Yes, Stephen Lang worked out for Avatar. Stephen Lang pumped over 190 pounds for the movie Avatar by regularly performing old-school weight-lifting sessions.

Does Stephen Lang Lift Weights?

Yes, Stephen Lang lifts weights. In addition, Stephen Lang prefers to train one muscle group a day, enabling him to focus more on endurance and muscle hypertrophy.

How Much Did Stephen Lang Bench in Avatar?

Stephen Lang benched between 150 and 160 pounds in Avatar. Also, his body fat percentage was around a walloping 10%, and he even reached over 190 pounds.


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About The Author

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT
Staff Writer & Senior Coach
James Cunningham, BSc, CPT holds a BSc degree in Sport & Exercise Science from University of Hertfordshire. He's a Health & Performance Coach from London that brings a unique blend of academic knowledge of health supplements and practical exercise experience to the table for his readers.
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Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC
Staff Writer & Senior Coach
Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC is an ex-National Soccer player turned MMA and Kickboxing champion, with ACE CPT and PN1-NC certifications. His advice is rooted in education and experience, ensuring that readers receive scientific and battle-tested insights. His mission is to empower his clients and readers to realize their potential and become the best versions of themselves.
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