Madonna's Workout Routine, Diet Plan & Supplements

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT
Published by Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT | Staff Writer
Last updated: March 19, 2025
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Be inspired and prepare to take on the spotlight as you transform your body and make fitness a lifestyle change. Learn the secrets to developing a sculpted physique, with incredible arms and powerful thighs, of Madonna.

Indeed, being committed to a workout routine can get you to shape up like the Pop Queen herself.

Let’s dig deeper into Madonna’s workout routine, diet and supplements, and fitness lifestyle.

Stats and Career Highlights

Madonna is a singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. She rocked the dance stage as the “Queen of Pop” in the ‘80s and ‘90s and was bagged as one of the world’s richest self-made women by Forbes.


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Her sweet and bright voice had achieved 21 top 10 hits in America and sold more than 70 million albums worldwide. Madonna was considered the first female artist to use the potential of the music dance video.

She made several business investments that amplified her successful career. She later opened her first Hard Candy Fitness Center in 2010 and is now operating in 7 locations worldwide.

Here are the current statistics of Madonna:
Age: 65 years old
Height: 164 cm or 5’5”
Weight: Approx. 54 kg or 119 lbs
Waist: 24 inches or 61 cm
Chest: 34 inches or 94 cm

Madonna's Workout Routine

woman doing donkey kicks, and another woman stretching on mat

We noticed that Madonna’s personal trainer and Creative Director for Hard Candy Fitness clubs, Craig Smith, combines challenge and fun in workouts.

The routine may look easy but tricky. Supporting the saying challenge creates change, this workout routine can push your body to a solid transformation.

Madonna focuses on methods that include pilates, dance, yoga, resistance training, circuit training, interval training, martial arts, barre workouts, athletic conditioning, and aerobic exercises.

Here is Madonna’s workout routine:

Butt Workout

The Madonna butt workout can be most beneficial when done twice a day, after waking up and before bedtime.

Here are the four exercises for the Madonna Butt Workout:

Shanghai Surprise 1 (on each leg) 45
Bubble Butt 1 (on each leg) 50
Side V 1 (on each leg) 40
V 1 (on each leg) 50

Hard Candy Workout

Madonna’s Hard Candy workouts are routines from the Hard Candy Fitness gym she owns. But we noticed that anyone can do this workout anywhere with a chair focusing on your abs and legs.

Here are the eight exercises for Madonna’s Hard Candy Workout:

Lunge Back with Side Kick 1 (on each leg) 32
Easy Side Sit Ups 1 (on each leg) 24
Toes Down Heel Up 1 (on each leg) 32
Knee Plank 1 (on each leg) 32
Swivel Hips 1 (on each leg) 24
Single-Leg Bridge Up 1 (on each leg) 24
Twist Dips 1 (on each leg) 24
Half Pike with Tap 1 (on each leg) 24

Madonna’s trainer claims that this routine works with numerous moves to maintain the body’s endurance and strength.

Dance and Cardio Workouts

woman doing yoga, and another woman doing aerobics

As we saw in an interview, Madonna’s personal trainer says that the pop goddess spends at least 30 minutes to an hour-long training exercise. Her routine varies daily, six days a week, and makes dance exercises her warm-up style.

Here is Madonna’s other workout routine:


Madonna does her heart-rate-pumping-aerobics to improve her flexibility, muscle strength, and cardio health.

Ashtanga Yoga

Madonna’s passion for yoga is very intense. Ashtanga yoga is a dance-like form of yoga done for 90 minutes to 3 hours.

Pilates Exercises

Pilates may be the reason behind Madonna’s flat abs. It helps her develop strong deep torso muscles and good spine alignment.

Barre Workout

Madonna uses very light weights of 2.5 to 5 pounds to perform 20 to 30 repetitions of this workout. It includes a combination of yoga, pilates, and ballet.

Light Weights

Whenever she works on her arms and shoulders, she uses not more than 2.5 pounds to tone her muscles.

Madonna’s cardio workouts for strength training also include: 

  • Resistance Training
  • Interval Training
  • Circuit Training
  • Isolated Core Training

Madonna’s Workout Principles

Madonna loves to dance. She dances to warm herself up before doing high-intensity workouts.

She gives value to core work and core strength that she commits to several methods and training modalities six days a week. She tries everything to keep in shape and makes it all interesting.

What Does Madonna Eat?

Healthy grains and seeds

Madonna attributes her fabulous body to a strict but quite simple eating diet.

We found that she follows a macrobiotic diet to optimize health and prevent disease.

The list includes whole grains like quinoa, organic vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, fresh produce, fish, and seasonal fruits.

In addition, she avoids meat, dairies, and sweets.

To keep her hydrated and her electrolytes in balance, she drinks coconut water in addition to water. She guzzles cold-pressed juices like watermelon in the morning.

In addition, she sips ginger tea and yerba mate to increase her antioxidants and maintain overall health.

She snacks on nuts and organic protein bars three times a day. But the biggest surprise in her regimen is to munch over gummy bears most of the time for Vitamin B12 supplement vital for women.

Diet/Nutrition Principles

Madonna’s trainer says the Madonna Diet is all about eating to refuel. Madonna eats food to lift her performance energy at concerts and shows.

When she wants a lighter load, Madonna shifts to greens like spinach. Placing a higher premium on everything nutritional and healthy made her keep up and live to be a living legend up to this day.

Madonna prioritizes organic and raw foods in her diet, underscoring her commitment to natural, unprocessed nutrition.

This focus ensures she consumes high-quality, nutrient-rich ingredients, crucial for maintaining her energy levels, overall health, and physical fitness. Such choices reflect a holistic approach to wellness, aligning diet with her demanding fitness regime.

What Supplements Does She Take?

ginger tea, protein bars, and bowl of yarbe mate

Ginger Tea

Ginger is full of cancer-fighting phytonutrients. Madonna makes her blend of this healthy herbal beverage.

Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is like having coffee, tea, and chocolate in one. Madonna takes this herbal tea that is high in caffeine for an energy boost and mental sharpness.

Organic Protein Bars

Madonna takes protein bars two to three times a day to get protein, vital nutrients, and fiber for an active lifestyle.


Madonna likes to include high nutritional value supplements with phycocyanin to prevent diseases.


Madonna loves to eat Kombu, a kind of seaweed loaded with vitamins and minerals, to maintain normal body function.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Madonna gets her essential fatty acids from consuming fish in her diet. But if you have allergic reactions to seafood or are not a fan of it, you can take fish oil supplements and still get all the health benefits of Omega 3s for the body.


What Kind of Diet Plan Does Madonna Follow?

Madonna follows a strict macrobiotic diet, emphasizing organic, locally sourced vegetables, grains, and soy products. She avoids processed foods, dairy, and meat, focusing on whole, natural foods for optimal health and energy.

How Does Madonna Maintain Her Fitness Routine While Touring?

Madonna maintains her fitness routine while touring by having a portable gym and a personal trainer. She prioritizes her workout schedule, ensuring she stays consistent with her exercise regimen regardless of her location or schedule.

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About The Author

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT
Staff Writer
Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT holds a BSc degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and is the owner of Taylor Made Fitness. Her philosophy centers on cutting through the hype and misinformation surrounding dietary supplements, focusing instead on practical, science-backed strategies for health and weight loss.
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Christiana Mikesch, CPT
Senior Coach
Christiana Mikesch, CPT is a personal trainer and author with contributions to publications like the Chicago Tribune and Yahoo. She emphasizes a holistic approach to weight loss, combining an energy-fueling diet, goal-oriented workouts, and daily habits. Her approach avoids short-term goals and fosters a lifelong commitment to health and well-being.
Learn more about our editorial policy

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