Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Review (2024) Worth It?

Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC
Published by Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC | Staff Writer & Senior Coach
Last updated: July 19, 2024
FACT CHECKED by Dr. Kristy Dayanan, BS, MD
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Most of the pre-workouts on the market are effective at raising your heart rate and increasing overall awareness during a workout.

However, only a few increase your blood flow and hydration, resulting in increased athletic performance and substantial endurance gains.

As a certified dietician and fitness enthusiast, I took two weeks to test and evaluate the effectiveness of a Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol supplement.

Here's what I found.

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

Rated 4.7/5


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Who is it for?

Who is it for?

  • Athletes seeking enhanced hydration and endurance.
  • Individuals wanting intense muscle pumps and improved workout performance.

Who is it not for?

  • People allergic to glycerol or any other ingredient in the supplement.

Final Verdict

Gorilla Mode HydroPrime Glycerol is an excellent supplement for those looking to boost their workout performance, hydration, and endurance. Its high-quality ingredients and effective formula make it a top choice for fitness enthusiasts.

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What Is a Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol?

What Is a Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Close Up shot

Gorilla Mode HydroPrime® is a performance-enhancing powdered supplement that contains a highly efficient form of glycerol.

Unlike traditional glycerol powders, HydroPrime® is a stable form that provides a high yield of glycerol without clumping or gritty consistency.

The supplement aims to provide benefits such as hyper-hydration, intense muscle pumps, and enhanced power and endurance, all while supporting plasma volume and thermoregulation.

Personally, I can vouch for some of these claims, especially intramuscular hyper-hydration, as my hydration levels remained consistently high, even those that lasted more than an hour.

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CTA of Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

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How Does It Work?

Gorilla Mode HydroPrime® works by hyper-hydrating your muscles with water. It prevents the drop in osmolarity when you drink a lot of water, extending the hyper-hydration effects in your muscles for up to four hours.

In addition, the supplement promotes hydration, which is crucial for exercise performance.

The glycerol content in this supplement raises the osmotic pressure within bodily fluids, increasing water movement throughout the body and increasing intramuscular hydration and muscle volume.

Based on my first-hand experience, glycerol supports increased movement, which leads to intense pumps, a better mind-muscle connection, and improved nutrient delivery. Additionally, glycerol increases vascularity and enhances your overall muscle volume.

Also, it is important to mention that glycerol supplementation increases plasma volume, resulting in improved oxygen and nutrient delivery to working muscles during exercise.

This increased plasma volume is a critical factor that helps regulate body temperature during exercise, effectively supporting enhanced oxygen and nutrient delivery to working muscles.

This leads to an even more substantial boost in exercise capacity and delays the onset of fatigue during prolonged exercise.

Nevertheless, the supplement has a good flavor.

"Athletes who want a good pump will appreciate the high doses of l-citrulline, betaine, and glycerol."

- Michael Shafer, Certified Personal Trainer

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Ingredients

A scientist looking through a microscope

The main ingredient of Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol is stable glycerol powder, which is designed to maximize intracellular hydration.

I cross-referenced this and found a journal article from Nutrition Reviews corroborating the product's claim that glycerol is effective in enhancing hydration [1].

With a high glycerol yield accounting for 65% of the whole product's ingredients, this supplement offers a unique hyper-hydration effect.

When you're working out, especially in a hot and humid environment, hydration is key for increased movement and performance.

Glycerol helps your body prolong hydration, which means you're less likely to experience the negative effects of dehydration, like fatigue and decreased performance.

This means longer, stronger workouts for gymgoers and athletes alike.

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Benefits

A couple jogging outside

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol has many important benefits, such as increased hydration and increased plasma volume.

Let’s cover all these benefits below and see if this product can help you achieve better pump, vascularity, and overall athletic performance during those intense workouts.

1. Increases Hydration

A journal article from Nutrition Reviews showed that when you take glycerol along with a good amount of water, it helps to keep your muscles hydrated for longer [2].

It prevents the normal drop in body water concentration that would signal your kidneys to eliminate the excess water.

So, instead of losing all that hydration quickly, it stays in your muscles for up to four hours, making them hyper-hydrated.

Hydration Articles:

2. Increases Plasma Volume

Glycerol in Gorilla Mode Hydroprime doesn't just stop at hydration. And according to a meta-analysis from Drug Testing and Analysis, glycerol also increases your plasma volume [3].

Think of plasma as the highway that delivers oxygen and nutrients to your working muscles when you're exercising.

So, by expanding this highway, you're getting a much more efficient delivery system to help fuel your workouts.

Thermoregulation Glycerol Supplementation

A couple jogging together outside

The supplement helps dissipate heat effectively during your workouts.

Imagine your body as a well-oiled machine. When it gets too hot, it can't work as efficiently. This is where glycerol steps in.

Because of the increased plasma volume, your body is better at regulating its temperature, so you can exercise longer without feeling too hot or tired [4].

3. Boosts Pumps

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol helps give you those impressive muscle pumps when you're weight training.

It helps your muscles hold more water, increasing their volume.

This means you'll see a significant increase in your muscle size when you're working out, which not only looks great but also helps with your mind-muscle connection, nutrient delivery to your muscles, and burning more fat.

Related: Best Pre-Workout for Pump

4. Enhances Power & Endurance

In my two-week experience with the supplement, I tracked my performance metrics and found noticeable improvements, which are evidence that the supplement can significantly increase exercise capacity.

With all these benefits, it's clear that Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol is here to power your workouts.

It's not just about looking good; it's also about performing better.

Because your muscles are well-hydrated and your body efficiently delivers nutrients where needed, you'll see improvements in both your aerobic and anaerobic power, performance, and endurance [5].

Plus, increased hydration can help you push through longer and more intense workouts.

  • Supercharge your hydration by maintaining and extending hydration in your muscles
  • Enhance muscle pumps with high glycerol intake and make your muscles look bigger
  • Enhance nutrient delivery to your muscles
  • Improve your plasma volume and endurance by providing more oxygen and nutrients to your muscle cells
  • Possibly experience potential side effects if you take the wrong dosage of more than 1.2 g/kg of body weight in a 24-hour period

The Side Effects

Some users may experience gastrointestinal issues, such as bloating, gas, or upset stomach. When testing this supplement, I experienced mild bloating the first two days of taking it, but this subsided as my body adapted.

This could be due to the increased water retention caused by glycerol supplementation. However, this side effect is very rare.

Also, glycerol's mechanism of action involves pulling water into the muscles, which can lead to dehydration if not enough water is consumed. 

This means you should consume sufficient water to avoid this side effect.

Lastly, some people can have allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching, or difficulty breathing.

Related Article: Pre-Workout Side Effects

How to Use It?

A woman drinking at the gym

To use Gorilla Mode HydroPrime® Glycerol, mix 1-2 scoops (5–10 g) in 10–20 oz of water. The liquid glycerol mixes perfectly and should be consumed 30 minutes before training for optimal results.

For workouts that last more than two hours, mix 1-2 scoops (5–10 g) in 10–20 oz of water to consume during the workout.

However, it is important not to exceed 1.2 g/kg of body weight in 24 hours. For example, for someone who weighs 185 lbs (83.9 kg), the maximum 24-hour glycerol dose would be 100g.

Who Should Take Hydroprime Glycerol?

Athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals seeking to improve their workout performance, endurance, and muscle hydration should take Gorilla Mode HydroPrime® Glycerol.

The product enhances exercise performance by promoting hydration and plasma volume, delaying fatigue during prolonged exercise, and increasing muscle pump and vascularity.

Who Shouldn't Take Hydroprime Glycerol?

A person tired from jogging

You shouldn't take Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol if you're allergic to glycerol or any other supplement's ingredient.

In addition, based on my research and consultations with healthcare providers, people with medical conditions, particularly those related to kidney function, blood pressure, or diabetes, should avoid this product or at least consult their healthcare provider first.

Also, it is crucial to mention that pregnant or breastfeeding women shouldn't take Gorilla Mode HydroPrime® unless advised by a healthcare professional.

Additionally, anyone under 18 should also avoid using this product, as its effects on children and adolescents have not been adequately studied.

Where To Buy and Price

At the time of writing this article, you can buy a Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol on Gorilla Mind's official website for the price of $39.99.

This is if you decide to opt-in for a one-time purchase. However, if you choose to subscribe for the 4/6/8/12 week period, then you get a 10% discount.

Our Rating

CTA of Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

Get 10% off using coupon code:  TOTALSHAPE

Rated With Total Shape's Scoring System

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Shipping and Delivery

Almost all of the orders are shipped within two business days.

However, this rule excludes holidays, promotional periods, and other similar scenarios.

From our experience, we received the product after one week of ordering it online. The packaging was secure, and the product was in perfect condition. It speaks volumes about the company's attention to detail.

User Reviews

In my research, I also came across some Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol user reviews from the company's website that I thought were useful to share.



“I get crazy pumps off this but I also use it for the endurance benefits for cycling and soccer. I still would have been happy to use the old formulation but this new formulation makes it so much more convenient to use.”




“I already loved the original glycerol formula. The pump is insane especially combined with a pump formula. The only problem was the griddy texture. That is solved with the hydroprime glycerol. It tastes great (watermelon flavour i would recommend) and the pump is amazing. Great product.”


- Noah, Company Website


“I think it works well. I workout in extreme heat and humidity and am a naturally sweaty guy anyway so I stress about hydration. These seems to really help me grind through my workouts without a hitch.”


- William C., Company Website

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Alternatives

A woman drinking water outside

Here are some popular Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol alternatives you may consider.

By comparing the Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol to the products below, you may decide which product better fits your personal goals, budget, and needs.


The 4-Gauge is a pre-workout supplement with unique ingredients, including caffeine, l-theanine, creatine monohydrate, and many others.

Its powerful components will effectively raise the rate of your adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production due to caffeine and creatine-phosphate buildup from creatine monohydrate.

However, as effective as it is for increasing anaerobic capacity, it isn't as good for improving your aerobic endurance as Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol is.

Gorilla Mode Pre-Workout

Gorilla Mode Pre Workout supplement close up in yellow background

Gorilla Mode pre-workout supplement contains different effective ingredients, such as creatine monohydrate and GlycerPump.

Also, it mixes really easily and comes with 11 different flavor options, making it excellent for picky people with a particular taste for unique supplement flavors.

However, even though it also contains a certain level of glycerol, it doesn't contain as much as the Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol supplement.

This makes it less efficient for improved vascularity and increased plasma volume.

Gorilla Product Reviews:

Transparent Labs Bulk Pre-workout

Transparent Labs bulk pre-workout contains a few different ingredients and stimulants, such as beta-alanine and taurine, making your skin itchy and pumped for an intense workout session.

I must say that this supplement reduced my muscle soreness during workouts and helped me get through some hard workouts.

However, it doesn't contain glycerol at all, making it less effective for overall endurance and improved oxygen and nutrient delivery than Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol.


Is Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Pre Workout Good for You?

Yes, Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Pre-workout is good for you if you're looking to improve your workout performance, endurance, and muscle hydration as it contains key ingredients that enable this with minimal side effects.

Does Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol Make You Stronger?

Yes, Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol makes you stronger. The pre-workout enhances your performance and makes your muscles bigger and stronger.

Our Verdict on Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

The Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol is everything you need for increased vascularity, among many other things, due to its unique muscle hyper-hydration and increased plasma volume effect.

The supplement efficiently draws water into your muscle cells and keeps them well-hydrated and pumped during intense workouts.

In addition, the increased plasma volume will ensure you deliver enough nutrients to your muscle cells to have enough energy and enable proper adenosine triphosphate production.

After countless days of testing, I believe that the Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol is perfect for those looking to boost their aesthetics and performance during challenging workout sessions.

Our Rating

Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

CTA of Gorilla Mode Hydroprime Glycerol

Rated With Total Shape's Scoring System

User Ratings
Ingredient Quality
Product Effectiveness
  • Supercharge your hydration by maintaining and extending hydration in your muscles
  • Enhance muscle pumps with high glycerol intake and make your muscles look bigger
  • Enhance nutrient delivery to your muscles
  • Improve your plasma volume and endurance by providing more oxygen and nutrients to your muscle cells
  • Get 10% off using code: TOTALSHAPE
  • Possibly experience potential side effects if you take the wrong dosage of more than 1.2 g/kg of body weight in a 24-hour period
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About The Author

Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC
Staff Writer & Senior Coach
Benedict Ang, CPT, PN1-NC is an ex-National Soccer player turned MMA and Kickboxing champion, with ACE CPT and PN1-NC certifications. His advice is rooted in education and experience, ensuring that readers receive scientific and battle-tested insights. His mission is to empower his clients and readers to realize their potential and become the best versions of themselves.
Learn more about our editorial policy
Dr. Kristy June Dayanan, BS, MD is an author with a BS degree from University of the Philippines and an MD from University of Perpetual Help System. Her ability to simplify medical science complexities and dietary supplement jargon for the average reader makes her a valued medical fact checker and reviewer.
Learn more about our editorial policy
Dr. Harshi Dhingra, MBBS, MD is a published peer-reviewed author and renowned physician from India with over a decade of experience. With her MBBS from Bharati Vidyapeeth and an MD from Rajiv Gandhi University, she actively ensures the accuracy of online dietary supplement and medical information by reviewing and fact-checking health publications.
Learn more about our editorial policy

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